I write about cueing over and over again, because it is so important. As an instructor I am always looking for new ways to express the same idea, because different words work for different people. Or maybe it's not a word at all, but simply an image. The right word, image or feeling can not only help you find engagement, it can completely transform your quality of movement.
How we learn is always so fascinating to me. I can watch something a thousand times and never figure out how to do it. I am a kinesthetic learner. If you know what kind of learner you are, share that with your instructor so that they can interact with you in more helpful ways.
Here is a cue that is really working for me right now, maybe it will work for you as well:
When standing or lying prone:
Imagine your inner thigh lifting up to the ceiling while you press your hips lightly down.
This cue puts me right in my center with access to my pelvic floor and Pilates lift. I love it!