It's been quite awhile since I've posted here, mostly because I was in a terrible accident. On April 29. I got hit by a car while riding my bike and ended up with the car standing on my left foot for...many minutes. The outcome of which was/ is all the metatarsals of my left foot are broken in multiple places. Yes. OUCH!
Since then I have been completely non-weightbearing for 10 weeks, and also had a titanium plate and screws inserted into my foot to line up the bones that have sheered away from alignment. My OS is still unhappy with the condition of my bones, however, and he mentioned bone grafting yesterday when I went in for more X-rays. He isn't considering bone grafting for another 10 weeks, so in 10 weeks I may possibly be starting over again at step 1.
Starting this Monday, June 30, I am supposed to attempt 50% weight bearing. When I asked how I was supposed to achieve this I was told to get on a scale and put half my weight on the scale, remember how that felt and take it into my day. Never mind that this NEVER works in real life, in walking or any other activities involving m o v e m e n t!
I asked for a prescription for Physical Therapy and was denied. The Doctor's reasoning was that they would work me too hard. How about a physical therapist for gait therapy that will actually help me identify what 50% weight bearing means for me, the patient?
So that is the rant part. I just had to get it out. I am so frustrated!
As far as the flow goes:
I have some control over how my recovery goes. What can I do to help myself? I can eat well, rest, stay calm and positive. These are the best tools I have at my disposal. When overwhelmed I call trusted friends who will encourage, not frighten me. I keep looking at the big picture; attempting to find the benefit to my new situation/condition. Open my mind to things that I can learn and also teach others from my new perspective.
As much as I depend on my body, it frequently lets me down or surprises me. Since going faster and harder is not an option for me (and hasn't been, even before the accident) , I choose to go deep. I enter the well of my being to access deep strength reserves and also to explore the minutiae of movement, the benefit of release work.
It's a journey. Every day.