You know how when you are really committed to something you want to give it your all and more? Most people think that if it is worth doing it is worth over-doing. My position is slightly different.
I ask all my clients to effort only as much as 70% in their sessions, even less if they can. Why? I want them to have the energetic room to sense their bodies, to be able to feel what is going on.
Think about it. If you are putting every ounce of your energy and attention into efforting, there is no room left to feel what you are actually doing.
Personally, I have found that by putting less energy into trying so hard to perfect my movement experience and instead going inside, being present, and feeling what I am doing, my ability to move forward in my practice has grown exponentially.
This also usually means, not moving quite so fast, which can be a hard one for a lot of people.
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