Friday, December 27, 2013


I think and talk about efforting a lot.   For myself, I usually want to be very good or great at everything I do.  Perfect would be perfect.  But trying, or efforting to be good at something has always been a thorn in my side.  I simply don't know how to do it in such a way that I get the results that I am going after.  I try very hard and then develop an expectation that my results should match the amount that I am trying.  It rarely if ever works out that way for me.

As far as Pilates goes, that might mean that I try to do movements my body is not prepared to do (not warmed up), work too fast (not focussed or experiencing my body) or simply attempt some movement beyond its capabilities (neither strong or flexible enough).  I may be able to continue on this route for some time, but eventually the result will be an injury.  A person with a body less prone to injury might hit a plateau, or develop muscle imbalances that will lead to an injury somewhat further down the line of their life.

What to do?

My current trajectory in Pilates is to put the effort into my concentration and focus.  Being in the present, focussing on one thing:  my body and what it is doing in the moment, and allowing the rest to flow from that.

That doesn't mean I'm not using my muscles!  I am using them, just using them in a more mindful and efficient manner.

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